March 23, 2020

Stocking the Pantry with Healthy, Shelf-stable Food

Get ideas for shelf-stable foods and recipes below.

建议限制外出以保护自己免受COVID-19的侵害, you may wonder what foods to choose to stock your pantry. 在这个时候,吃现金足球网哪个好的食物,帮助你的身体对抗疾病的自然能力是特别重要的. Be prepared to make healthy, 用各种各样的水果填满你的食品柜, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

商店在晚上补充库存,通常在早上有最多的选择. 如果你不愿意离开家,很多杂货店会给你送货单. 打电话给当地的杂货店或上网看看他们有什么产品. Amazon also delivers some shelf-stable groceries.

Fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. 这些天然食物是甜点的好替代品.

  • 有些水果,比如苹果和橙子,可以在冰箱里保鲜一个月.
  • Frozen fruit is a great choice. 浆果含有丰富的抗氧化剂,可以添加到早晨的燕麦粥中.
  • 当选择罐装或罐装水果时,寻找那些罐装的果汁,而不是果汁. syrup, or light syrup. 不加糖的苹果酱或蜜桃罐头都是不错的甜点.


  • Some vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and onions will stay fresh when stored in a dark, cool space for about one month. Avoid refrigeration until after cooking.
  • 胡萝卜、甜菜和卷心菜放在冰箱里可以保鲜几个星期.
  • Frozen vegetables are also a great choice. 选择绿叶蔬菜、花椰菜、西兰花、炒菜和加州混合蔬菜. Think color and variety. Look for options without added salt or sauces.
  • When choosing canned vegetables, 选择标有“无添加盐”或低钠的食品. Canned tomatoes, tomato paste, low-sodium pasta sauce, and no-added-salt peas and corn are all good choices.

Whole Grains
Whole grains are rich in fiber, filling, and shelf-stable. They make a great base for a hearty meal.

  • 选择完整的全谷物,如燕麦片、糙米或藜麦.
  • Look for 100% whole grain pasta, or bean-based pasta.
  • 选择100%全麦面包和玉米饼,或者玉米玉米饼. (These can all be frozen.)

豆类、豌豆和小扁豆富含纤维,非常令人满意. 它们是一种廉价且货架稳定的植物性蛋白质来源.

  • 你可以在散装区找到干豆,也可以在货架上找到袋装干豆. 煮一大批,加到玉米饼、汤、沙拉或碗里.
  • 干扁豆在20-25分钟内煮熟,不需要浸泡. They work well in soups.
  • 当选择罐装豆子时,寻找无添加盐或低钠的选择. 如果你找不到低钠的,在加入你的菜之前把它们冲洗一下.
  • Make your own hummus to use as a dip or sauce.

Unsalted Nuts/Seeds


  • Add nuts or seeds to morning oatmeal or to salads. Or, enjoy as a snack.
  • Enjoy a slice of peanut butter toast.

For healthy weight loss, limit your serving size to ¼ cup per day of whole nuts, or 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Store in the fridge or freezer to extend their shelf life.

Other Pantry Items

Consider purchasing low-sodium vegetable stock, no-added-salt spice blends, low-sodium salsa, non-dairy milk, canned tuna or salmon, and hummus.

Turning Pantry Staples into Meals

Any cooked, whole-grain cereal or muesli, fruit, seeds or nuts.

  • 燕麦片加浆果,香蕉或葡萄干,坚果或种子(见附件食谱).
  • 100% whole wheat bread with nut butter and smashed berries.


  • Soup – Combine canned tomatoes, chopped potatoes, fresh or frozen vegetables, beans or lentils, vegetable broth, no-added-salt spice blends.
  • Bowl -混合谷物,新鲜或冷冻蔬菜,绿叶蔬菜和罐装豆类. Top with hummus, salsa or vinaigrette style salad dressings. Add nuts or seeds for garnish. 试着炒蔬菜、糙米和毛豆,上面撒上芝麻.
  • Pasta – Start with 100% whole wheat or bean-based pasta, top with fresh or frozen California style veggies, white beans, low-sodium pasta sauce.
  • Salad -混合新鲜的绿色蔬菜,五颜六色的蔬菜,罐装豆类,坚果/种子,油醋酱风格的调味品.
  • Potato Bar -烤土豆或红薯上面撒上黑豆、玉米、莎莎酱或鹰嘴豆泥. Serve with a side of heated vegetables.
  • Tacos/Wraps – Use flour or corn tortillas as a base. 加热蔬菜,如花椰菜、菠菜和沥干的罐装西红柿. 加入扁豆、黑豆或低钠炒豆和卷心菜. Garnish with salsa or hummus.

Fruit, carrots and hummus, leftovers, unsalted nuts, peanut butter toast, small bean burrito, unsweetened apple sauce, small bowl of oatmeal with fruit.

Need a few recipes to get you started? Try these hearty, batch-style meals.


Triple Berry Oat Bowl (1-3 servings)


  • 1½ cups rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp flax seed meal or nuts
  • 1½ cups unsweetened milk alternative (almond, soy, etc.)
  • ¼ cup raisins or 1 banana
  • 1½ cups triple berry, frozen
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp powdered ginger, optional


Thaw berries. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Eat immediately or chill for at least 30 minutes. Eat cold or hot. Can be divided into smaller containers. Store for up to one week in airtight containers. 一次至少做4个或更多,这是一个简单的早餐选择.

Chili Baked Potato (3-4 servings)


  • 4 large potatoes (any variety)
  • 2 cups pinto beans
  • 1 cup salsa
  • 2 cups corn, frozen, thawed
  • ¼ cup hummus, optional
  • ¼ cup sunflower seeds, optional


Scrub potatoes thoroughly and rinse with water. 用叉子在土豆的几个地方扎点,让蒸汽在烘烤过程中逸出. 用微波炉烤土豆10-15分钟(视土豆大小而定). 如果你愿意,你可以使用传统的烤箱(在425度的温度下烤60分钟). 当土豆内部刺穿时感觉完全柔软时就完成了. 从微波炉中取出,放在一边冷却(小心它们是热的). When cool enough to touch, slice in half.

在一个中等大小的平底锅中,中火加热,混合豆类,萨尔萨酱和玉米. Cook for 10 minutes or until hot. When chili is ready scoop ½ cup onto each baked potato. 在上面撒一汤匙鹰嘴豆泥,撒一汤匙葵花籽. 如果愿意,可以用辣椒粉或烟熏辣椒粉装饰土豆. Serve hot with a side of steamed vegetables or salad.

Lentil Lemon Soup (6-8 servings)


  • 1 lb dry lentils
  • 8 cups water or low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp salt, optional
  • 2 tsp garlic powder (or 2 cloves raw)
  • 2 tbsp dried onion flakes
  • 3 bay leaves
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • ½ tbsp red pepper flakes
  • 2 cups carrots, washed and chopped
  • 1 package frozen greens
  • 3 medium potatoes


Wash carrots and potatoes, chop set aside. 在一个中等大小的平底锅里,把所有的原料(除了冷冻蔬菜)混合在一起。. 部分盖上盖子,用小火煮,直到小扁豆变软,大约25分钟. 加入冷冻蔬菜,继续烹饪,直到它们被加热. Pour soup into bowls, serve hot with brown rice, quinoa, or slices of fresh or toasted bread on the side. Freeze leftovers.