June 9, 2020

Post-Hospital House Calls

If you just got out of the hospital, 你可能觉得自己最不想做的事情就是去看医生. We get it. 你已经接受了治疗、刺激和药物治疗,可以回家休息了. 但这就是为什么Landmark在住院后顺道去你家看你很重要的原因.


Why Landmark Post-hospital Visits Are Important
从医院或其他机构回家可能是一个挑战. 具有里程碑意义的服务提供者可以来你家帮助你解决重要的出院后障碍, 例如了解医院检查结果和药物变化, scheduling follow-up appointments, 教你在住院后保持现金足球网哪个好所需的自我护理.

After a hospital or skilled nursing facility stay, 许多患者在回家后的最初几周内就有再次入院的危险. Landmark通过在病人回家后很快拜访病人,帮助避免不必要的再入院.


Readmission Cost to Society

临床医生一直对减少再入院率以改善病人护理感兴趣,但由于经济因素,这个问题已经戏剧性地成为全国关注的焦点. 人们已经认识到通过更及时的方式防止再入院的能力, attentive health care delivery. Health care costs continue to rise, 激励系统寻找创新方法来更好地提供医疗服务. 减少国家再入院费用的愿望使人们对加强整个卫生保健连续体的协调更感兴趣.1

MedPAC向国会提交的一份报告显示,18%的按服务收费的医疗保险患者在出院后的前30天内再次入院. For a patient population with multiple chronic conditions, 出院后30天内的再入院率更高,约为26%. This costs the government approximately $15 billion. 根据报告,超过75%的再入院是可以避免的. 降低再入院率的方法包括加强出院流程, improving the patient’s transition out of the hospital, and adding to the care provided to the patient after discharge.2


Conditions that Commonly Cause Hospital Readmissions

不适当的药物和解可能是再入院的主要原因. In other words, 患者对现有药物和新药的变化感到困惑,可能会导致问题,将患者送回医院.

根据研究与质量局(AHRQ)的一项研究,, 某些情况更容易导致再入院, such as:

  • congestive heart failure
  • septicemia
  • pneumonia
  • COPD
  • cardiac dysrhythmias
  • mental health disorders
  • diabetes
  • alcohol-related disorders
  • maintenance of chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • complications from surgery, implants or grafts 3

研究表明,出院后(在头8天内)迅速再次入院的患者更有可能经历其原始医疗状况的并发症. 然而,后来(出院后最多30天)再次入院的患者更有可能缺乏足够的后续护理,或者可能出现了新的医疗状况.4

病人离开医院时服用的药物需要调整剂量,这是很常见的,也是可以预料的, monitoring for drug-drug interactions, and/or discontinuation in only the first week.

Landmark is not a visiting nurse or home health service.

Landmark与来访护士和家庭现金足球网哪个好助手合作,为您提供额外的, complimentary care. 看一下家庭护理类型的视觉表现, 看看我们上面不同类型的家庭护理的图解.


Post-hospital self-care and why it is important.

According to an article by Dr. Leora Horwitz, 住院后应考虑三个重要的自我护理因素, planning and ability. Dr. Horwitz believe that patients need to know what to do, have a plan for how to do it, and be able to follow through.5

Landmark can assist you in this after hospitalizations, by offering both medical care and supportive services. 具有里程碑意义的服务提供者帮助患者了解生活和医疗状况, 包括从医院或其他医疗机构回家的过渡.

Landmark可以通过观察你的进展和解决你的任何医疗问题来帮助你, social, or mental concerns, and ensure you carry out the hospital discharge plans.



  1. 以护士为主导的预防可避免再入院的策略:在整个连续体中协调复杂患者的护理, July 11, 2011 http://www.advisory.com/Research/Nursing-Executive-Center/Studies/2011/Nurse-Led-Strategies-for-Preventing-Avoidable-Readmissions
  2. 减少可预防的再入院:在整个连续体中提高过渡和疾病管理以实现完美护理, June 16, 2010 http://www.advisory.com/Research/Cardiovascular-Roundtable/Studies/2010/Reducing-Preventable-Readmissions
  3. AHRQ: 2014年4月22日,导致再入院最多的条件 http://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2014/04/22/most-common-readmissions
  4. 医院再入院的5大原因——以及如何预防,2015年11月4日
  5. 出院后的自我护理:知识不够BMJ质量 & Safety 2017;26:7-8.